Tuesday, June 7, 2011
After the Bedrock bunch ate breakfast in the campground at the Indian Cave State Park, we should have gone back down to Falls City because the Rubblemobile dealer there might have had the part needed. Instead, we went on to Beatrice and the Homestead National Monument of America. What a surprise! I don’t think any of us expected such a niceVC.
The sign at the road |
The building on a VERY windy day |
Wilma and Fred |
Athos and Barney enjoying the exhibits |
The movie and the displays were excellent.
This National Monument is dedicated to those pioneering spirits who homesteaded throughout the U.S.
The Homestead Act was passed in 1863 and repealed in 1976 with the exception of Alaska where it was extended until 1986.
The government offered 160 acres of land free if the homesteader lived on the land and made specified improvements in 5 years.
There were approximately 1.6 million homestead claims filed.
The Monument is located on the homestead of Daniel Freeman, one of the earliest claimants. The VC and museum give you an idea what life was like for a homesteader and some of the hardships they faced to realize the dream of ownership. It also gives you some idea of how the Indians, native to the land, were treated/mistreated.
Old Pioneer House |
Pioneer House and equipment |
Got our five stamps, and headed out of town – but not until after lunch and stopping at the Rubblemobile dealer. They didn’t have the needed part, but checked and found out the dealer in Seward had it. Right on our route, so off we went in a futile search. Their inventory hadn’t been updated and they didn’t have what we needed, but wait!, they called ahead to York, and had them check and sure enough, an hour or so later we were stopped in a rest area applying the needed fixative. All is well.
We have bucked very strong winds most of the day. There was about a 40 mile stretch where we had a tail wind, but mostly it has been whacking against the side, making for some stressful driving.
Athos drooled over the golf course in Grand Island as we went zipping by, but we were off to put miles behind us and get tucked into a campsite earlier than last night. Headed out Route 2, then north on Route 83 to Merna. We stayed the night at Victoria Springs State Recreation Area, but read more about that in the next installment.
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