October 5, 2011
We got a leisurely start from the James Robb Colorado State Park in Fruita, CO. Fred and Wilma have been having problems with the refrigerator in their rolling cave and Fred had set up a 10:00 appointment to go have it repaired. We got to the shop and dropped off the cave then headed out to IHOP for breakfast. After IHOPing Wilma and Betty thought it would be interesting to visit a ROSS Store. Fred and Barney went along to keep them company and to try to protect their bank accounts. After a short time we headed back to the cave repair shop. We talked to the service tech a little while and he encouraged us to go up on the Grand Mesa instead of the faster way we had originally planned. In a few minutes were on our way with an operating refrigerator. We headed in the general direction of Montrose, CO via Grand Mesa, Cedaredge and Delta.
The locals called last Sunday “Colorful Sunday” on Grand Mesa. Even on the Wednesday after, the colors were breathtaking. The aspen were light orange and yellow and where there were scrub oaks, they were bright red. It was really beautiful. There were a few places in the deep shade where there was a little snow, but the road was clear and dry. There were lots of dark clouds over the mesa and where the sun was shining through, the colors were even more brilliant.

We came down off Grand Mesa through Cedaredge (where Barney spent some growing up time) and Delta, but did not stop to look around. We wanted to get through Montrose to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison before the Visitor’s Center closed. We flashed our geezer card for free admittance to the park, then went in search of a campsite. We made it to the VC about 4:00, took care of all of the necessary stamping, watched a very interesting video and looked at the canyon from the walkway around the area of the VC. Wilma asked the ranger to see if they had any other stamps stashed away and sure enough one of them came up with two more cancellation stamps. It really pays to ask!
We are currently parked in B-loop of the South Rim Campground and pretty well settled in for the night. We have electrical hookup so we can run the little heater if needed, or even the furnace. It looks quite stormy.
We have no signal in this park, so posting will happen when we can.
Good night, from the Bedrock Bunch. (yawn)
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