Monday morning we left Lees Ferry campground headed for the Grand Canyon. Just before the highway turn off to the Canyon, we stopped at a Trading Post where we found a penny smasher.
We didn’t stop at the overlooks until we got into the National Park because most of them were just used for sales booths and we weren’t in the buying mode.
Not too far into the park we found the Desert View area. There we found a stonework viewing tower, a general store, and a bookstore where we got our stamps. We went to the observation patio at the tower, but did not climb to the top. We purchased a couple of items at the general store, then rearranged our parking and fixed something to eat.
Heading on into the park, we stopped at the Tusayan Ruins Museum to get more stamps. We decided to go on into the main hub for visitors and try to find a camping site, then we could backtrack and see the viewpoints we were passing by. That never did happen! We found enough to keep us busy while in the park.
We had a little bit of problem relating the map to the street signs, but finally found the campground, and were blessed to get two sites next to each other. After getting settled in our site, we loaded up in the Rubble mobile and went to do some exploring.
We found several bookstores with stamps, and also got stamps at the VC. Also while in the VC we enjoyed the movie. We also did a little walking around and took in some of the viewpoints around the VC. After checking off most of the stamps we knew were available, we went looking for one that was kind of elusive. Like I said, we were having trouble relating the map to the signs. We drove up into an area restricted to vehicles under 20 feet, and just drove around the loop and back out. Then we drove around the one way loop and couldn’t see the store where the stamp was supposed to be, so we went around the loop again, and still couldn’t find the store that was marked on the map. We looked at another map on a different brochure, and it looked like the store was in the restricted area, so around we went again! Sure enough there was a side street where the store was located. The parking lot was full, so we went around that again and still nothing. So Barney orbited three times while we hurried in to get our stamps. We didn’t even look around to see what else was there. It turned out to be very funny. We just were not getting the connection with the map!
It was quite warm and we were wiped out, so we went back to camp and made our plans for tomorrow.
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