Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Location: Moraine Campground, Rocky Mountain National Park, sites 219 and 221, 10.00 with geezer pass, no hookups, vault toilets.
After showers and more laundry, we left the KOA (Kampgrounds of America) in Limon, Colorado around 9:00 am heading west on I-70 toward Denver. We then went north on E-470 to I-25 then north to the Loveland, Co exit and headed west on route 34 into the Rocky Mountain National Park.headed for Rocky Mountain National Park.
We are curious as to whether the toll road (E-470) is coming or going. By that we mean are they adding tolls, or finished with them. Knowing the government, why would they ever cease charging for something, so it must be coming. There were signs saying the toll was $2.60, and some that said you would be billed. However, we never went through a toll booth, and the several we passed looked like they were under construction. If we get a bill I guess we’ll pay it.
We made it through Loveland, CO and on to Estes Park, which is a gateway resort town just outside the national park. It was swarming with people, not to our liking.
Barney and ? |
talking to the elk tracker |
On the way into the park we stopped at the Fall River Visitor’s Center and picked up a stamp for the passport books. Inside the park we pulled off the road near Sheep Lakes where Wilma and Betty put together some burritos for lunch. We drove around a little looking at the elk grazing in the meadow. We decided it was time to look for a place to park the caves for the night. In the process of turning around to go back to the first campground inside the park, Fred and Wilma Spoke to a ranger who was waving a tracking antenna in the air. They learned that he had about 60 elk with radio collars and that every 2 weeks he came into the park to see where the elk were located so they can track their movements in the park.
We learned that the Aspenglen Campground has 50 campsites and is a reservations only campground and that it was full.
We drove back around Sheep Lakes and took route 36 to the Moraine Campground where there were a few camp sites available. We are
currently settled in and the rolling caves are only two spots from each other, although Rubbles took one that is more than slightly off kilter. They used some blocks to help, and can tolerate it for one night. There aren’t many level spots to begin with, and the campground was already mostly full.
pretty skies above the cave mobile |
The altitude at Limon is probably around 2000 feet and the low temp last night was in the high 40s to low 50s. The altitude at the Fall River entrance to the park is 8240 feet and the temp is supposed to get down to the low 30s tonight. We guess that means we are getting up in the world. Have a cool night.
There is free wifi around the headquarters building a few miles away, but not much out here. We found enough to post the last blog without pictures, and will try this one too, so check back for pictures, although we didn’t really do much today. We will stop at the headquarters VC on Wednesday.