Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Twirling Blades

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fred was out early this morning with his camera and watched some of the start up activities of the Guard unit in camp. He talked to one of the people near the helicopters, and got permission to go in and take some close up shots. 1DSCN0972



After watching the activity while we ate breakfast, we got packed up and headed for home. We went up the west side of Bear Lake, and enjoyed following the coastline of the lake for a while.1DSCN09881DSCN09901DSCN09921DSCN0995

It was about 40 miles to the north east end of the lake where we stopped for fuel. We were a little nervous about getting that far, but we did not hear the low fuel gong before we arrived.

With just a couple of rest stops along the way, and a Taco Bell stop in Twin Falls, we pulled in to our home base about 5:30 pm and mostly just let everything sit in place until Monday before unloading.

It was a very different kind of trip, with all the weather and illness detours and delays, but it was still very enjoyable, and we are anxious to go again. We may get to do a short one just after the weekend of the 4th, or may have to wait for September, but it won’t take much to get us going again. Until then, yabba dabba dooo!

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