Friday, March 30, 2012

Zion National Park

Wednesday, March 29, 2012

Where are we - Zion National Park, southeast Utah, South campground, sites 98 and 100.

Clear skies and breezes through the tree tops greeted us this morning after a good night of sleep (at least for some of us.) It was mid forties over night, with expected high of mid seventies today. After an earlier breakfast than usual for us, we took off to see the sites. The first stop was the VC where we got our books properly stamped, then on to the museum to see the park movie. It was very good, and highlighted the major sites in the park.IMG_4277b

With the cavemobile all fired up, off we went. Remember we said the shuttle buses start running on April 1 which is Sunday. It would have been convenient to have them today. The parking lots at the major attractions were all full as we headed to the end of the road. Our plan was to drive to the end and then stop along the way back. After orbiting the lot at the end of the road, we backtracked and found a pull out spot to park. From there we walked back to the trailhead for the Riverside walk, and continued on to the end of the paved walkway, about a mile from the trailhead.

Lots of people like to go on up the canyon from there, but about 60 percent of the hike up The Narrows is wading, walking, and sometimes swimming in the river. The brochure says it it 16 miles long. I don't know if that includes the mile we had already hiked, but there were a few brave souls getting ready to set out today. Of course you can go up part way and turn around and come back. It is in a canyon up to 2000 feet deep and at times only 20 to 30 feet wide. And there are warning signs to be aware of flash flooding. You could get caught with no place to go in case of flooding. IMG_4302bIMG_4309b IMG_4306b IMG_4318b IMG_4285b

We were tired and hungry after getting back to the cavemobile, so headed on back to camp for lunch and a nap. All of the parking areas were still full. We thought we could go back in the early evening to see more, but that didn't happen.IMG_4278b

We had seen a large screen (like IMAX) place just down the road, so went to check that out. The movie about the park was just ending but we stayed to see the next one. None of us were totally thrilled with it, and at least one of us tried her best to tune it out, but it was sooooo loud! Three of us said it was better on TV, and the one that tried to tune it out wouldn't dream of watching it on TV either, so wouldn't know. Now you are wondering what it was we saw. Drum roll...Indiana Jones, Temple of Doom. Now you know why I squirmed through the whole thing, and tried to think of any thing else!

I remember probably the first IMAX film I saw, and the music was so fantastic. I remember it as one about Yellowstone, but have seen the current one about Yellowstone, and it definitely isn't the same one, so I really don't know what it was. I do know the music was by Yanni, and I would love to see/hear it again.

Well, we didn't see as much of Zion as we should have, but we did see as much as our legs and parking would allow. We are moving on tomorrow, and will be dropping a short way into Arizona before heading back up to Bryce Canyon National Park. Would love to hike down into the Canyon there, but know that isn't going to happen! I'd never make it back out!

That's it for our not too exciting day. The Bedrock Bunch will sign back in later.

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