Sunday, November 4 and Monday, November 5, 2012
Again leaving Magoo standing forlorn in the driveway, we pulled out and headed into the fog on DD.
We fueled up in Houston and stopped to say goodbye to two of the musketeers, then headed out 63 toward Licking where we grabbed a super sonic to get us underway.
This was mostly a travel day, so we continued on 63 to 50 and turned toward KC. There are no official rest stops along this route, so we had to make our own. We joined a state police officer in one turnout and used our own facility while he continued trying to nab some speeders.
Skirting KC proper, we continued on toward Topeka where we found the Brown vs Board of Education VC and our park passport books took on a couple of new stamps. The ranger there was very friendly and informative. We went through the displays and watched a few segments of the video before heading out to find the local Wendy's for salad and potato.
We are tucked into a back corner of a Walmart parking lot for the night and will continue our homeward trek tomorrow.
The overnight location was not the best. Very noisy, but we did get a little sleep. We stopped in the store for a few things, then fueled up and turned west on I 70, turning off toward Manhattan. We stopped at IHOP to fuel us up for the long day ahead of us, then headed west to 81 and north to I 80. We figured we’d stop at a rest area overnight, then found some campgrounds listed that had power and shower, so made for them. Before getting there Wilma checked into them and found after Oct 15 the water was turned off, so no shower. So our plan was back to the rest area. The last one before the turn for Scotts Bluff was CLOSED!!!!!
So we stumbled on in the dark and finally found a campground. It does have power, but the water is turned off in preparation for the cold winter ahead. But at least we got off the road and got a good night of sleep.
We plan to get a few stamps along the way on Tuesday, then head back to I 80 and on toward home.
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