Wednesday November 7, 2012
We were up fairly early in the Scott’s Bluff County Fairgrounds CG. A very busy rail line ran right next to the CG but believe it or not the trains didn’t bother us at all, even though they ran all night. Once in a while you would wake up and turn over then you would hear a train going through. We ate breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy with a little sauerkraut before leaving the CG. The restrooms had a couple of shower stalls, but we didn’t try them. I don’t think they bothered to turn on the hot water heater for us! But it really wasn’t a bad place to stay.
We drove west on route 26 along the North Platte River and made out first stop of the day at the old Fort Laramie National Historic Site in Wyoming.
We watched a video at the VC and collected 6 stamps for our passport books. The fort was originally a trading post then was taken over by the Army as a stop along the Oregon Trail, to provide security for the wagon trains and maintain contact with the Plains Indians.
During the Civil War the Army shut it down and it was sold for $1400 and fell into disrepair. It was later purchased by concerned citizens and Wyoming then was turned over to the park service in 1903. Some of the buildings have been restored and refurnished with period items.
It is quite an interesting place. It was kind of cool overnight, but while touring the fort it was quite warm and nice to be out in it..
From Fort Laramie the day turned into a travel day. We continued west on 26 to I-25 and headed south toward Cheyenne and I-80. The wind was blowing from the west with gusts up to 35 mph. The cave-mobiles were rocking and rolling down the road. At times it felt like we were just herding them in the direction we wanted to go and they kind of wandered down the road. We made a stop for fuel and food when we reached I-80. We also made a quick stop at the Lincoln Memorial between Cheyenne and Laramie.
Then we were back on I-80 west in what seemed to be a little less wind. We are now stopped at the Fort Steel Rest Area just east of Rawlins, WY. We plan on spending the night. A small herd of deer are also stopped at the rest area, but we don’t know if they are spending the night with us. They certainly act like they own the place and don’t let the traffic bother them. Almost seem to pose for pictures!
That’s it for the night. Happy hunting.
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