Taking one last stab at the fishing, we enjoyed the river and ocean while we could. We hate to leave. We did leave all the fish behind today, although one woman brought in a huge silver. Everyone around agreed it was probably the biggest one they had ever seen. Lucky her – and it was a keeper, not wild. I think that might have been the only keeper brought in today. As Fred tells it, she made it quite clear that her hubby actually caught it and brought it in. But she was still quite proud of it. There were a number of smaller or wild ones again.
Wilma fixed breakfast burritos and took out so Fred and Barney had to take a breakfast break.
When the water started to change and filled with crud, they came in and we started getting ready to leave.
We stopped by Costco on the way out, and they were having a community awareness day. There were several tables set up. The police had an officer there with a lot of brochures, and the local hospital had a wheel you could spin to win prizes. Betty and Fred both got lip balm and sunscreen, and Wilma and Barney both got a little bag of first aid items. They let us get away with that even though we are from out of town.
Then we had a fuel stop at Freddies before finally heading south. We wanted to check out the next state park south of us, but the sign out on the highway said they were full. On a busy Friday afternoon, you had to believe it, and we didn’t take the time to go down to see it.
There was a little county park on down and we checked that out, but it was more expensive, without even water and electricity. Wilma could see a couple of small campgrounds on the map that were along our route, so we went on.
With about four minutes to spare, we entered the gift shop, got our books stamped and they even let those that wanted to go up to the light. We took a few pictures, and very slowly made our way back up that steep path. We were so glad we hadn’t come up with any other delays before getting there! As it turned out we had to go the long way because the other road was closed.
Now it was time to find a camping spot. The first two on the map were both walk in tenting only. The rest stop on the map just plain wasn’t there, and we were doubtful of the last marked campground, but it was good, and we were lucky to get good spots. It seems like a very busy little campground.
It was still warm enough that we wanted to be outside, so we built a fire and roasted marshmallows. Then turned in for a good night of rest. No early rising to go fishing tomorrow.
If I can find them I want to post a couple more pictures to yesterday's post, so you might want to check it again later.
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