Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Getting Yellowstone and Teton Stamps

Monday, August 26, 2013
Finishing off last night’s pizza along with some nectarines worked for our breakfast, and then we worked our way down to Old Faithful. The sign in the Visitor Center said it would erupt again about 11:15, so we had just missed one. Having plenty of time, we each did our own thing after getting the stamp we needed there. DSCN1617DSCN1622Yellowstone to Teton 003Yellowstone to Teton 009
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Old Faithful
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Old Faithful
After the drama of the eruption, we went south toward a stamp at West Thumb and another at Grant Village. It was looking kind of stormy, and as we drove to the south entrance of the park, we got into some recently wet roads, but never anything but a spit on us.
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Moose falls
We stopped and walked out to view Moose falls, then continued down to the South entrance. There was a picnic area there, so we pulled in and got out sandwich fixings, fresh veggies and chips. We also ate the last of the savory pastries from Polebridge. It was still really good! We will marvel over that stop for a long time!Yellowstone to Teton 075Yellowstone to Teton 071
Fred got the ranger to open up and let us get our stamp there. He said he preferred that to manning the toll booth.
The Flagg Ranch Visitor Center on the JD Rockefeller, Jr Memorial Parkway is mostly closed this year because of budget cuts, so we went on down to check out Lizard Creed campground. It was still way early, so we continued on until we got to Colter Bay. There we checked into the campground, and then visited the VC. After getting our stamps, looking around, and getting sidetracked by several different people, we went in to watch their video. It was an overview of the park, and very nice. Yellowstone to Teton 063
Barney had been sidetracked by someone talking about ice fishing in Michigan or Minnesota, or somewhere,Yellowstone to Teton 065 and Wilma sat down to put a stamp page in her book, and immediately a lady wanted to see our book and find out more about it. She had just purchased a small book mostly for her daughter. She said she didn’t think the people she was with would want to stop at all the places for stamps.
By that time it was raining and we decided to head back to the campground and curl up with a book and soup.DSCN1642
We’ll probably finish up in the Tetons and start heading for home tomorrow.

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